
11 June 2017

Retaking GCSEs or A-Levels: Guidance for Success

Advice on retaking GCSE or A-Levels

As we approach the beginning of the next academic year, Allan Cairns, our Principal, shares his advice on key things to consider for those still debating whether to retake subjects and those about to embark on an intensive resit year. 

Should I Retake My Exams?

Choosing the right university and course is a super important decision that you shouldn't take lightly. I'm pretty sure that almost every student who applied to UCAS last year had some goals in mind when it came to where they wanted to go after finishing sixth form. It's really important to stick to those goals and not give up on them. Picking a university or course that isn't your first choice can have a bad impact on your motivation to study regularly for the next three years, and it can also have a big effect on your finances. But, if you decide to take a year off before college to redo some or all of the subjects you studied last year, it actually shows a lot of strength and problem-solving skills, and universities will really like that. Plus, taking a gap year to improve your grades can also better prepare you for future studies. Just remember, what employers care about most is the quality and reputation of your degree, not fixing mistakes you made in year 13.


Where Can I Retake GCSEs and A-levels?

Finding a place to retake subjects can feel overwhelming, and it's important for students and their parents to choose a college that will support them in improving their grades. At Ealing Independent College (EIC), we specialise in helping students boost their grades, and we're proud of our impressive track record in doing so. Our courses are designed to meet each student's unique needs, and our small classes ensure plenty of individual attention from teachers. Students consistently appreciate these aspects of our program. We have high expectations that, with hard work and dedication, students can typically achieve a two-grade increase in their retaken subjects. In fact, it's not uncommon for students to make even greater improvements, with some achieving three or even four grades higher after joining EIC and benefiting from our teaching and learning approach.

Why Join Ealing Independent College?

Positive and supportive environment

Our main aim for the year is to help you, the students, shine brightly and achieve your very best. We do this by using thorough assessments, keeping a close eye on your progress, and building a strong and supportive relationship with each and every one of you. We understand that not everyone is destined for A* grades, but here at our college, we've created a learning environment that will help you unlock your true potential. It's a place where you can focus, stay positive, and truly thrive. We're here to support you every step of the way!

We offer an extra-curricular programme

It is important to make clear that a year taken before university to ensure that you make the right next steps should not just be about studying. It is important to keep a balance between working in and out of the classroom, along with learning new skills, making new friends and trying new activities. At EIC, the extra-curricular programme offers a variety of opportunities which enhances study. Whether it be in sports, societies which prepare students for biomedical or engineering degrees, amateur dramatics or debating, we ensure that students find sources of inspiration.

If you are interested in finding out more information about our intensive retake courses, then visit our retake GCSE and A-levels page. 

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