
25 February 2021

Azoomni: EIC Alumni Series

Azoomni: EIC Alumni Series

“Once part of the Ealing Independent College community, members of our alumni are always welcome to stay in touch and share their success stories.”

It has always been important to the College to stay in touch with our former students; those who leave us often refer to the College community as a ‘second family’ to them in the years that studied here and a place where they were at their most confident and comfortable.

So, after a year of great uncertainty for students, particularly for those who are looking to move forward in the next stage of their education, we felt that it would be the right time to reach out to our alumni - to find out how they are getting in the next steps of their life, what coping strategies they have used to survive lockdown and most importantly what advice they would give to those students who are going to be following in their footsteps and after a warm response from a large group of our alumni, we have decided to launch Ealing’s very own ‘Azoomni’ series.

This series will involve weekly catch-ups with different alumni who attended the College, some at the same time who have remained friends, and others who left us some years before and are further ahead in their journey. Nonetheless, all of our alumni have so far gone onto achieve great success and it is also very heartening to see what great individuals they have become.

You will be able to watch the full series on our website or by following our twitter here.

If you are an old alumni watching and you would like to be featured on the series please do not hesitate to get in touch. We would love to hear from you!

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