
30 March 2022

Becoming part of the EIC Community and developing confidence: Mia's story

Becoming part of the EIC Community and developing confidence: Mias story

The highly rewarding feeling of watching a student blossom only after a couple of months they have joined the College goes beyond description.

This is the story of Mia, a Year 9 student who enrolled at EIC in January 2022. She is such a lovely presence at the College, intrinsically motivated and consistently polite. 

We decided to have a chat with her to learn more about what it means to join our College at an unusual time of the year and how the EIC Community has helped her to become a more confident person. 

Mia, you have been with us for three full months. I guess my first question is: how are you finding your life at the College? Are you happy with your decision to move here?

I really like Ealing Independent College because I feel less pressured: here, I enjoy learning rather than focusing on the results only. 

I am so grateful for the opportunity to join the College, especially since in my previous school I felt that I was not supported in the right way. 

In what sense EIC is supporting you in a better way than your previous school was?

Last year I did not attend any online lessons during the various lockdowns. Also, I had covid myself, and on my return I felt that I could not keep up with the class anymore - I needed some time to catch up. Ealing Independent College teachers, instead, are always very supportive and really go the extra mile to make sure that the students are doing their best. I have noticed that even when a student is in a low mood, the teachers offer to listen. 

When you first started in January, were staff and students welcoming to you? And how long did it take you to feel completely comfortable at the College and make friends?

It was an easy transition; both my classmates and my teachers were approachable and happy to help. I would say that after two weeks I started feeling part of the College’s Community. I started making friends in my year group, but soon enough my friendship group included students from across the College. Everyone was just extraordinarily friendly.

During my first month here I was still fairly shy, but I have made big progress - for example, I am now part of the School Council. 

I am so happy to hear that you feel different in a positive way. Tell me about your experience as a member of the Student Council and in what way it has a good impact on you.  

I am honoured to be the only Year 9 Student who had the opportunity to become part of the Student Council. We discuss topics of different nature, for example food banks and other upcoming school events. I feel that this is the perfect open space for my voice to be heard. 

Where do you see this going? Do you think that your career as a Student Council member has a future?

I would definitely like to keep being a member in the next years to come as well. I am sure this will help me grow my confidence. 

Do you join any other clubs? Or would you like to join any particular ones next year?

I haven’t joined any other clubs this year, but I’m planning to enrol in some in September. I know the school runs a Film Club, which is the one I’m mostly interested in; also, if there will be the possibility to, I would like to do some Drama as well. 

Is there anything else you are looking forward to this year?

After the Easter Break, in the summer term, a close friend of mine is also going to join the College in my same year group. I am looking forward to that. I am sure that she will immediately feel welcome at EIC, and her integration process will be as quick as mine was. 

Yes, definitely.  We are looking forward to Jasmine joining the College. Thanks, Mia, it has been a pleasure talking to you.

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