
30 June 2018

Careers fair

Careers fair

On the 12 June, New London Architecture hosted a special careers event, giving our students an exclusive preview of the London Real Estate Forum (LREF) exhibition and an insight into the future growth and direction of development and regeneration across London. The event provided updates on new buildings, new transport projects and area development plans.

Tours of the exhibition stand facilitated by industry professionals gave students an opportunity to meet with architects, engineers, developers and others working in the built environment sector. The event opened our students’ minds to the diverse range of careers that are within and outside the construction sector.

After a wonderful lunch students were given a master class in powerpoint presentation. A specially curated conference programme featured a range of presenters working on exciting architecture, transport and planning projects across London, including The Shard, The Olympic Park and major housing projects.

The speakers:

  • Tony Pidgley CBE, Chairman, Berkeley Group plc.
  • Roma Agrawal, Structural Engineer, AECOM
  • Cannon Ivers, Director, LDA Design
  • Liz Waters, Stakeholder Communications & Community Manager, ‎Sir Robert McAlpine

It was an honour to listen to a titan of industry such as Tony Pidgley, in addition all speakers were wonderfully engaging and spent the time to explain to students their own path into industry, which the students really seemed to connect with.

After a day of networking and presentations the students were inspired and keen to see more of London. Since we were attending a real estate conference it only seemed right to explore one of London’s most iconic buildings; St Paul’s Cathedral. It was the perfect end to great day. The students of EIC proved themselves to be excellent ambassadors.

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