
11 March 2022

College Catch Up - March 11 - Return of the "EIC Azoomni" Podcast and more

College Catch Up - March 11 - Return of the EIC Azoomni Podcast and more

Today Alaan, our Football Team Captain and Y12 student, came to the Office to share his thoughts about his interview with us, which was posted last Wednesday on the School website. The article, which was published as a Blog Post and shared on Social Media, outlined the upcoming football matches that our team is going to play in March, whilst also explaining how the team got back together after a long Covid-break. This morning Alaan wanted us to know that he was happy with how the content was presented and he felt proud to be the protagonist of this week’s story. 

We immediately thought that we achieved what we wanted: the students feel that their voices are heard whilst news is shared weekly amongst staff, students and families. 

On Tuesday, we featured a discussion with long-serving Maths specialist Geoff, who explained his passion for teaching, his new found love of Art, and why he enjoys teaching within the special community we have here at Ealing Independent College.

This week we also have some other exciting news to share: after a short break, we welcomed back the “EIC Azoomni” Podcast with Season Three, Episode 1: Rasna. Once a week Allan, our principal, has a conversation with one of the Alumni of the College, to find out what paths they have taken after leaving EIC, and how the College has helped them reach their goals. 

Listening to the Podcast can give a real insight of how the College supports its students throughout their personal, social and academic lives. When asked what their best memories of the College are, our ex-students often mention the terrific bond they create with their teachers during their time here, the friendships and relationships that form even between students of different year groups, and the sense of confidence and independence that they gain here. 

EIC Alumni are also always proud to share their post-College achievements: most continue to study and attend a wide range of Universities that extensively differ from one another, both in terms of cities and subject choices. Some others follow a vocational path and, on the podcast, they tell Allan about their job experiences and career success. In any case, from week to week we increasingly realise how all our previous students are successful, each in their own way. 

The topic of University destinations and different employment paths was also the main focus in this week’s Monday Briefing, where Allan describes the amazing opportunities that students receive after leaving us. 

In Allan’s post there is also a mention of the Y13 conference, an event called “Future Ready'', held last week in one of our partner schools, where the students had the chance to consider and explore new opportunities for their future.

Following on from the Y13 Conference, and from all the conversations about opportunities for the future, on Wednesday next week we will interview Miles, one of the students who attended “Future Ready” and will be able to explain in detail what he has learnt from it. 

Whilst looking forward to next week’s news, we wish everyone a great weekend! 

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