
25 March 2022

College Catch up, March 25th - Football, sun, and exams

College Catch up,  March 25th - Football, sun, and exams

With the return of the sun and warm weather, Mock exams also return for EIC students. They started on Thursday 24th of March, and will continue throughout the entirety of next week. 

By pure coincidence, on the same week that marks the start of the Easter Mocks, we interviewed Patrick, who serves as the College’s Exams Officer, as well as our Business and Economics teacher. 

The conversation we had with Patrick touched several points: from the comparison between the Dutch education system and the British one, to terrific club suggestions. You can read his article here.

On Wednesday, Solomon, otherwise known as Sisi, brought us back to last week's Debating Competition, which happened at Oratory Prep School in Reading.  A group of Y12 students undertook the roles of Judges, Chairs, and Timekeepers during a Debating Competitions between Primary School Children. The experience was not only quite fun, but also taught our students how to better express their opinions with others. 

Click here to read more about the Bellevue event. 

Allan, our Principal, also talked about the Competition in his Monday Briefing this week. 

He underlined how being part of the Bellevue group allows the College to join a wide range of events and activities. Allan also hopes that parents will be more involved in the organisation of future events. He states: “I am hoping, very much, that parents will follow this maxim by putting themselves forward towards the creation of a parent association which will contribute to the improvement of what we do at the College”

On Wednesday, Sisi’s interview was not the only blog post that was published on our website. In fact, we also shared a detailed match report of the football game our team played on Tuesday. It’s been the first win of the season for our team! Read the report here. Year 13 student Naoya bagged two goals.

Finally, we hope that yesterday you took some time aside to listen to the third episode of the Azoomni Podcast, Season 3, where Allan had a chat with Edward. Edward joined EIC on a GCSE course, and then continued here for A-Levels. He studied Maths, Chemistry, and Physics. As an active member of the College Community: he was part of the Football Club, Student Council, and promoter of many initiatives to embellish the College Building (he painted the walls of our "Reading Room"). He is currently studying Aerospace Engineering, and would like to work as an F1 engineer after finishing his degree. 

We hope that all of our students will have a restful weekend, enjoy the sun, and come back ready for the second week of the Easter Mock Exams and our next football match on Tuesday! 

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