
24 January 2020

Ealing Independent College consistently securing academic progress

Ealing Independent College consistently securing academic progress

On 23 January 2020, the Department of Education published the A-Level performance of schools across England. Ealing Independent College remains amongst the top in the country for consistently securing academic progress for its students. With an average Progress Score of +0.34 across the last six years, this positions the College amongst the top of schools and colleges in the country in helping students improve their grades.

The table below indicates the average grade enhancement from expected grade. A score above +0.5 would indicate a ‘well above average’ progress score, with anything between +0.2 and +0.5 deemed ‘above average’. An ‘average’ score ranges from +0.2 to -0.2, while ‘below average’ (-0.2 to -0.5) and ‘well below average (below -0.5) indicate that a student, on average, will have made worse than expected progress in their course.

Scores can show a strong degree of fluctuation in small colleges, given that the cohort can be very changeable, but Ealing, over the last six years, has never had a progress score of below +0.2, and twice has scored +0.5 or better, with a peak of +0.6 in 2016.

Average Progress Score from 2014 - 2019: 











The Principal of Ealing Independent College, Dr Ian Moores, commented, "this year, the College stood strong in its delivery of producing consistently strong A-level results. This is a true testament to the passion and dedication of all of the teaching staff for guiding and inspiring our students to achieve their full potential.” 

A high proportion of our students in the 2018/2019 cohort again made it to their first choice universities, such as Thanusree, Vladislav and Alisha.

Thanusree, an international student from Malaysia, achieved an excellent AAB in Mathematics, Biology and Chemistry, which has enabled her to pursue her dream of studying Medicine. She was a former student council member who was part of the College’s first delegation to Model UN conference in Boston in 2018. She is currently studying Medicine at Queen Mary University in Malta.
A high proportion of our students in the 2018/2019 cohort again made it to their first choice universities, such as Thanusree, Vladislav and Alisha. 

Vladislav also performed with distinction, scoring an A* grade in Russian, along with a B grade in Photography, which he now studies at the University of Westminster  and a C in Mathematics. Vladislav’s hard work and dedication throughout his time at the College ensured that he has achieved the results which he deserved, despite joining Year 12 late in the first term.

Alishba pushed herself throughout her A Level studies, maintaining her high standards in four subjects across two years. Her grades of A*BBB in Biology, Chemistry, Psychology and History are testament to her tireless work-rate and calm, methodical approach. She is studying Biomedical Science at St George’s University of London.

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