
23 March 2022

Ealing ride their luck to sneak win on Covid return

Ealing ride their luck to sneak win on Covid return

Friendly match

22nd March 2022

Ealing Independent College 2-1 MPW

Team: Louie; Umberto, Iggy, Theo; Alaan, Naoya, Jack (Osman); Hayyaan

Goals: Naoya 2

A pleasant evening, and the excellent facilities of Club Des Sports in Acton set the scene for an entertaining match between MPW in red and Ealing, playing their second friendly in two days, in black. Last night’s 7-2 reverse to David Game College could easily have demolished any confidence that Ealing had, but a tremendous performance, laced with resilience, effort and application, saw the men in black through.

A new formation meant that there were certainly some signs of ring-rust in the opening minutes. MPW dominated territory and possession from the start, though Ealing looked dangerous on the break. The lively Hayyaan and Naoya were linking up well, whilst the ceaseless running of Jack kept the reds on their toes. Iggy was marshalling the back three competently, communicating superbly well and making timely interceptions and clearances where required. Umberto and Theo at either side of him were robust, whilst captain Alaan sought to stamp his authority on the midfield.

A series of corner kicks enabled MPW to build pressure, though they were restricted to long shots - half chances rather than clear openings on goal. One of these crashed against the bar, and another forced Louie into evasive action with his legs. Finally, the impressive number 8 drove an accurate shot low to Louie’s left, and he could quite get a strong enough hand down to it in order to keep it out. It hit the post, rolled over the line and into the opposite side of the net. This clearly lifted the reds, and they seemed confident enough to go in pursuit of a second. Their momentum was halted by an exceptional weaving run by Naoya who galloped into the box before committing a desperate challenge from an MPW defender. There could be no other outcome than a penalty. A prolonged break for an injury to the guilty man gave the keeper a chance to unsettle the creative Japanese player, and this appeared to work as the stopper was able to make a save.

However, Naoya was first to react, and he bundled the ball home for the equaliser. Osman replaced Jack for the remainder of the half, and added craft to the midfield as Ealing grew in confidence. MPW started to impose themselves again, but a combination of poised defending, particularly by Iggy, and the solid positional sense of Louie in goal did just enough to keep honours even.

The second half started much as the first ended. MPW were onto the front foot and Ealing were under significant pressure, but again, the black wall held firm. Better build up play gave them promising positions regularly but a lack of cutting edge kept the scoreline at 1-1. Naoya passed up a good chance when sent through by Osman, his effort looping over the top, but this gave a clear sign that the fragility of the reds at the back could be exploited. It was the Japanese playmaker who again troubled MPW a few moments later, and he bravely nipped ahead of the ‘keeper to dispatch from another through ball, giving Ealing the lead for the first time.

From then, it was very much a ‘backs to the wall’ performance. A range of well placed blocks and tackles, along with a superb stop by Louie preserving their lead. Again, Iggy stood particularly tall in facing up to the siege, leading his troops into a stubborn defence of their box. Some MPW profligacy in front of goal also contributed to ensuring the status quo, twice from point blank range as the ball flashed across goal, and following a scramble after the initial corner could not be cleared. An obdurate challenge by Theo with three minutes left sent a clear message however - MPW would not pass.

Hayyaan passed up a tremendous chance to finish things in the dying moments, rounding the goalkeeper before slipping wide, but, as it happened, it didn’t matter. Ealing had done enough to secure the victory - just - much to the jubilation of the side.

Man of the Match: Iggy - Excellent performance. Not a foot wrong.

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