
23 August 2019

EIC celebrates another year of outstanding GCSE results

EIC celebrates another year of outstanding GCSE results

GCSE 2019 examination results

Moving from strength to strength, this year’s GCSE results have surpassed expectations at the College, with almost 87% of all GCSEs sat across our year 11 and GCSE Intensive cohorts attaining at least grade 4 and above in the new specifications. The College is extremely proud of all of the students who have been with us through their two-year GCSE courses. In addition, the value which the College has added to the results of students who enrolled in the College to improve their existing grades from previous schools has been very pleasing this year, with some students enjoying substantial grade enhancement in GCSE retakes, enabling them to move towards A Level courses.

Amongst the Year 11 cohort, there were some wonderful individual performances, detailed below:

Riten performed extremely well, and showed his superb talent for the sciences by achieving two grade 9s in Physics and Biology, alongside two grade 8s in Chemistry and Mathematics. Riten also scored a tremendous grade 6 in French to go with a 5 in English Language and 4s in English Literature and History. Riten therefore managed to attain passes in the EBacc range of subjects and is a very strong candidate for further study at the College and will undoubtedly thrive with the more rigorous A Level course.

Nali performed superbly well across his GCSE subjects, attaining a grade 9 in Biology, to go with grade 8s in Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics. He also achieved a grade 7 in English Language, a 6 in English Literature. He also achieved a 5 in History and a 4 in Spanish, thus attaining passes across the EBacc subjects. He was able to cope with a high workload this year very well, and should be proud of his results. Nali will now move on to his A Level studies with confidence.

Fabien’s results across all of his GCSE subjects demonstrated a consistency of excellence, in Biology, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, History, English Language and Literature. Fabien has been a role model in terms of attendance, punctuality and conduct during his time at the College, and his results are a fitting reward for his determined approach as year 11 progressed.

Sandra produced tremendous results having joined the College part of the way into year 11, and she has shown that she is a student with undoubted talent. Her grade 8 in Biology, along with a grade 7 in Physics, was complemented by a grade 6 in Mathematics, a 5 for English Literature and grade 4s in English Language and History. Sandra’s performance is all the more pleasing given the fact that she missed all of year 10 and a significant part of year 11 at the College. Her results show what is possible through hard work and persistence.

Edward is another year 11 student who performed very well. Grade 7s in Physics and Biology were accompanied by 6s in Chemistry and Mathematics. With grade 4s in English Language and Literature, Edward will commence his A Level studies at the College in Mathematics and the Sciences. His increasingly mature approach paid dividends this year, supported by his superb attendance record and desire to get involved in the College’s extra-curricular offerings.

Duc, having joined the College in year 9 from Vietnam, also performed with distinction. Grade 6s in Art, Physics and Mathematics were complemented by a grade 5 in Chemistry. She also achieved grade 4s in Biology and English. Duc has ambitions of a career in Architecture and we are sure that she will succeed.

As well as a fantastic performance from our Year 11 students, many students embarked on a one-year intensive GCSE course with the intention of improving on disappointing performances in their former schools.

There were some real stand-out success stories this year:

Swaburah took disappointing grades in her subjects at a local state school up to 77555, with a grade enhancement of 4 across five subjects. Her performance in Biology and Physics were particularly strong and she is now in a very good position to move on to A Levels with a renewed sense of confidence.

Albert sat his GCSEs in 2018 at a state comprehensive, and enjoyed a good advancement in grades with the College. He managed to improve his overall GCSE grades across all of his subjects by one, attaining improvements in English Language, English Literature, History and Mathematics, in the process enabling him to apply for A Level courses.

Principal Dr Ian Moores was very pleased with the achievements of the GCSE cohort. He stated that “The GCSE results are again fantastic this year. I am particularly delighted to see our year 11 cohort performing tremendously well. They are a delightful group who worked conscientiously throughout the year and they have been rewarded with wonderful grades.”

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