
10 November 2023

Head of Mathematics: Adrian's Story

Head of Mathematics - Adrians Story

<p>Adrian, the Head of Mathematics at the College, plays a crucial role in shaping the academic environment for students. With his expertise and dedication, he ensures that the Mathematics department runs smoothly and efficiently.</p> <p>As the Head of Mathematics, Adrian oversees the department, he collaborates with other staff members to develop and review course materials, ensuring that students receive a comprehensive and well-rounded education in Math&#39;s. Adrian also takes on the responsibility of being a mentor and tutor. By establishing a positive and nurturing environment, Adrian helps students develop their skills and confidence, not only in Math&#39;s but as individuals. His mentoring extends beyond the classroom as he actively participates in extracurricular activities related to math&#39;s by organising Math&#39;s Club on Wednesday lunchtimes to support students and encourage them to go the extra mile.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h3>But what about outside of work? Who is Adrian and what is his story?&nbsp;</h3> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>He studied Automotive Engineering at Coventry University and then worked within the industry for companies such as Toyota, but he missed the academic environment. After teaching Mathematics to some very talented students for six months in a small school near the banks of the Ganges in Varanasi, India, he decided that his vocation lay in teaching.</p> <p>He completed his PGCE in Secondary Mathematics at St Mary&#39;s University. Before coming to the College, Adrian enjoyed 10 years of teaching in outstanding schools within the state sector, serving a number of those years as Head of Faculty. During those years of leadership, Adrian enjoyed success with his Faculty as they reached levels of progress in the top percentiles nationally. He is passionate about students achieving and ensuring that students enjoy mathematics at all levels and age groups.</p> <p>Adrian continues to enjoy his time at Ealing and says that Ealing Independent College is a <em>&ldquo;unique place where students can learn without distraction. And a place where the needs of the individuals are truly met&rdquo;.</em></p> <p><br /> Before teaching, Adrian played professional rugby for the Premiership team Wasps. He still tries to continue an active life when he is not teaching and has led numerous school ski and cycling trips with the school, and has welcomed opportunities that could lead to adventure.&nbsp;</p> <p>Some of his memorable moments include:</p> <ul> <li>a 1500-mile cycle from Land&rsquo;s End to John o&rsquo; Groats to raise money for Marie Curie Cancer Research, which he completed in six days.</li> <li>A three-week expedition by horseback into the Tian Shan mountains to find the elusive Marco Polo sheep. (No sheep were found, but he did run into a pack of mountain wolves.</li> <li>Crossing the Thar desert between India and Pakistan - which covers an area of over 200,000 square km and is undoubtedly the one of the most inhospitable ecoregions in the Indo-Pacific region.&nbsp;</li> <li>Last and the most challenging of all has been becoming a father to his two young children, Alfred and Henry, which has been more challenging than handling a pack of wolves but equally rewarding.</li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Adrian has worked at Ealing Independent College since September 2017, and has seen the college develop. He feels proud to have been a part of the journey and to have been a part of the success of the college.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h4>What does the future of the college look like to you?</h4> <p><em>&ldquo;The future of the college is a strong one. With such a stable teaching cohort, we are coming to the position of fine-tuning our craft to such a level that every student who joins EIC quickly starts to understand how best to work, what are their true goals and how to reach them.&rdquo;</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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