
15 September 2023

My first week at the college - Jehad

My first week at the college - Jehad

This new academic year has seen new faces at our college. This is what Jehad has had to say about her first week working at Ealing Independent College. 


I’m Jehad and I currently serve as the Exam Officer and Student Study Supervisor here at EIC, these roles mark a significant shift from my previous role as an ESL lecturer. While my journey here has just begun, I'm already feeling a deep sense of belonging and purpose in this vibrant academic community.

My experience at the college has been nothing short of enjoyable. I can sum it up in four words: "So far, so good." From the moment I started, I've been greeted with warmth and enthusiasm from both students and staff. I’m really excited for the months to come. 

Having worked in various educational institutions before, I can confidently say that EIC distinguishes itself in many ways but most importantly, the small class sizes are a game-changer. They allow for an intimate and highly interactive learning experience. With fewer students in each class, teachers can provide individualized attention and mentorship. This close student-faculty relationship fosters a deeper understanding of the subjects and creates an environment where questions are encouraged, and learning is a collaborative journey. The support for students is unparalleled. The college is not just focused on academic success but also investing in other developments too. Supporting personal growth, mental well-being, and career development. This approach to education ensures that students graduate not only with knowledge but also with the skills and confidence to excel in their future endeavors.

What I enjoy most about my current role is the direct and positive impact I have on students' academic journeys and personal growth. Guiding them through their academic challenges, witnessing their growth, and finding solutions to help them overcome obstacles are deeply fulfilling aspects of my job. Being part of a team that contributes to the college's overall success is also immensely rewarding. 

My aspiration for the role is to foster a culture of curiosity, empathy, and collaboration. I hope to inspire students to explore their passions, challenge their assumptions, and become active participants in their education. 

Outside of work, I am a firm believer in the importance of work-life balance. I enjoy cooking and baking, immersing myself in nature, and spending quality time with my family. Cooking and baking are my creative outlets, allowing me to craft delicious dishes and desserts. Nature serves as my sanctuary, where I find solace and inspiration. And when I'm not exploring the great outdoors, I cherish moments with my family, sharing laughter, love, and unforgettable experiences together. 
I am really proud of the path I've walked, the challenges I've overcome, and the growth I've experienced all contribute to a deep sense of self-achievement. They stand as a constant reminder of the values I aim to impart to our students, encouraging them to adopt a similar mindset of resilience and continuous personal development.


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