
25 September 2020

Pastoral Blog: Lifelong Learning

Pastoral Blog: Lifelong Learning

As human beings, we have the ability to constantly grow and develop.  It is now well-known that trying new things trains the brain to produce new neural pathways and that this, in turn, helps to build resilience and flexible thinking.  Both of these qualities are essential for leading a successful life in a society which is changing as rapidly as ours, and where the concept of “a job for life” is so very outdated.

For anyone who would like to know more about making the brain more flexible, I recommend this article: click here

Of course, our students are constantly learning in the classroom.  Whether it is our academic high-flyers who are aiming for A*AA or above in the sciences to pursue a career in Medicine, or our students who have talents in other areas and have joined EIC to achieve a pass grade in their English and Maths GCSEs, our lessons are full of opportunities for learning.  

However, learning opportunities also abound outside of the classroom.  We have a wide range of extra-curricular activities available at EIC and, with the last period on a Wednesday being designated as Activities Period, finding time to join one of these is very easy.  So, our students can try an activity they have never tried before, whether this is gardening, entrepreneurship, engineering, folklore,  running or being part of our School Council.  Some of our students are also learning to lead by setting up their own clubs, and our Tabletop Games Club, Gym Club and Equality Debates Society and Band Club are all student-run.  Our Sixth Form students have also been given personalised advice about academic enrichment beyond their textbooks, so many of them have signed up to MOOCs or are reading beyond the specification and viewing online university lectures.

At EIC, none of this is done by force.  As a college rather than a school, our approach is invitational.  Therefore, it is even more gratifying to see that the vast majority of our students have signed up for enrichment, and that they are enjoying expanding their horizons as well as making new friends and discovering their talents.

We hope that an EIC education will start our students on a lifelong learning journey.  If you love to learn, you need never be bored or unfulfilled as there is always something new to discover, and this love is perhaps one of the greatest gifts a person can have.

For any adults reading this, the same goes for the adult brain.  As for me, I am starting my own journey this week, as I have enrolled on the National SENCO Award.  This is a year-long course done remotely and I will be doing it as I work at the College.  Completing this course is not essential for SENCOs working in independent schools, but I am so excited to take part and be able to share ideas with other SENCOs about how to make the SEND provision at EIC even better than it already is.  I can’t wait to get started!

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