
23 October 2020

Pastoral Blog: Making the most of the Half-Term Holiday

Pastoral Blog: Making the most of the Half-Term Holiday

The first half of the Autumn term is a long and tiring time period for students in schools everywhere.  An eight week half term can seem like a very long stretch, and this is especially the case as the nights draw in and we lose the mood-boosting effects of sunshine.  Students - and teachers - up and down the country will therefore feel in a celebratory mood this evening.

Sometimes we get queries from parents and teachers asking how this holiday time could be best used.  For ambitious students like the ones at EIC, it is essential that there is a good balance between studying and relaxation.  Here are some ideas:

  • Use some time to prepare for any mock examinations.  Set yourself a structured plan.  Some people may want to spend a full working day on each subject, whereas others prefer to have shorter bursts of activity and to vary the subjects studied across each day.  The mock examinations are an ideal time to test different approaches and see what works for you.
  • Take your mock exams very seriously.  Why?  There are various reasons.  Doing well can give you a real confidence boost which will have a positive impact on your real examinations.  Also, for students in Year 13, your mock exams could have a real influence on your predicted grades for university.  In addition, we have to be prepared for the fact that teacher assessed grades may be used instead of real exam grades, and your mock grades are a real chance to prove what you can do.
  • Take the opportunity to refresh your knowledge of everything studied so far.  Read all of your class notes and put these into a form which makes them accessible to you, whether this is hand-written summaries, colourful mind maps or types notes.
  • Organise your folders, whether paper or electronic.  Are you missing any work?  Are your notes in a logical order?  Do this every half term rather than leaving it to the summer otherwise you will be creating a stressful experience for yourself as you try to get to grips with notes collected over a whole year.
  • Are you in Year 13 and still writing your personal statement?  Half term is a good time to do some reading around your subject if you have been ignoring the advice of your teachers and haven’t done this yet.
  • Plan your relaxation time so that you are doing activities which enhance life for YOU.  Don't fall into the trap of just letting the days drift by while you stay in your pyjamas and spend the day in front of your screen.  Consider time for exercise, reading for pleasure, and making time to connect with friends, family and pets.  However, if you do enjoy having a lie in or binge watching Netflix, then know that it is OK to do this from time to time too.  Don’t let this become the only activity of your holiday, but we all do need some time to just be.

As for me, I will be using the time to catch up with some friends who are also teachers - outdoors of course due to current regulations - as well as continuing to work my way through some of the books from the Booker Prize shortlist for this year (if you would like some reading inspiration, I have ordered all of these books here and can’t wait to get stuck in!)  

I won’t be neglecting work totally though, and Allan and I will be coming in to do some work on College policies.  The aim, as with most things in life, is to create a happy balance.  So, however you are spending your holiday, I hope you enjoy it.

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