
06 November 2020

Scholarship Winner: My Experience

Scholarship Winner: My Experience

In the run up to our Scholarship Competition on Tuesday 17th November, we took some time out to talk to one of our previous Scholarship winners, Namit, who joined us in Year 12 and is now in his final year of A levels with us. Namit is currently in the process of applying to study Engineering at Cambridge University and does not believe he would have been able to attend the College at the time if had not won the scholarship.

How did you find out about the Scholarship Competition?

My sister studied at EIC before I joined. She moved during her AS levels as she felt she was underachieving at her previous school and as soon as she joined I could see that she was more positive about her studies again. Once my sister heard that there was a scholarship opportunity for new students, she told me about it straight away and I thought I would at least apply and see what happens from there.

How did you find the exam itself? 

It involved mainly verbal and non-verbal reasoning which I also found interesting. It was quite competitive with around 20-25 students sitting the exam, so I really wasn’t certain that I would be in with a chance of winning at the time.

Once you started at the College, how was your experience?

I was really happy with the support I received from my teachers and I remember being pleasantly surprised about how personalised the learning approach was from the beginning. It was my Computer Science teacher in particular that really helped me think about my future career path and what course would suit me the most. We discussed this quite early on too which was really helpful in terms of thinking ahead for my personal statement and what I needed to do to be successful. I would definitely encourage students to apply for Scholarship Competition as the support they will receive at the College once they start will be crucial for their future success. 


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