
27 January 2021

Student diaries: Online learning in (another) lockdown

Student diaries: Online learning in (another) lockdown

As we have shifted to remote learning once again, here at Ealing Independent College we still want to ensure that we are keeping in touch with all our students on a regular basis and gaining as much feedback as possible - both for what they are enjoying and anything they feel like teachers could do to improve.

We had a catch up with Haboon, Year 12, last week to find out more about her experience. Here is what she had to say:

How do you find online learning? 

Online learning is such a great experience; it’s school but in the comfort of your own home and It’s very convenient as there’s zero commute . It provides fewer distractions and allows students like me to make the most of our time . By having school in the comfort of my home, it allows me to express my own sense of learning which I wouldn’t normally at school. Whether it be posting notes across my room to help me memorise key points or just re reading my notes straight after the lesson. Because I’ve created a regular study space, I’ve associated it with learning, therefore every time I sit and have class there, it’s as though I’m in a classroom.

Do you still feel supported by your teachers?

Yes I do 100% feel supported by my teachers. During class and after class, my teachers set me work with a deadline, and whenever I feel stuck or need a push in the right direction, I feel comfortable to ask my teachers, who will go over it with me during our lesson. On google classroom there’s also an option to send a private comment on the work they set; which I use to ask questions and for support. My maths teacher, Adrian, also reiterates to us how we can ask for support even when we aren’t in lesson and how he is more than welcome to assist us, which I think is really supportive.

What is your usual routine on a weekday?

As there’s no need for any commute, I feel relaxed to sleep a bit more than I would normally which is perfect. Since there’s no need to rush, I tend to wake up half an hour before my first lesson to freshen up. I then get my books ready and sit on my table with my laptop ready to start. During the times I would have a study period, I make sure to go over my notes from my previous lessons, and to complete work that has not been completed yet. During breaks and lunch I make sure to get up from my seat and move around so it’s not an endless cycle of me just sitting in one space. I try to always actively participate during lessons as it helps to strengthen my knowledge and it is engaging when the lessons feel interactive and the students are involved. 

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