
09 October 2020

Student Voice: My Remote Learning Experience

Student Voice: My Remote Learning Experience

We sat down at the start of term with one of our New Joiners in Year 11, Noradeen, to find out more about his experience of starting The College as a Virtual Learner on our Remote Learning Platform.

Noradeen was required to self-isolate at the start of term after returning to the UK from Somalia and we anticipate that other students will also be required to follow similar protocols for a long-time following on from the Covid-19 restrictions. Here at EIC, at a time where Education systems have found themselves required to respond to an unheard-of amount of disruption, we are proud that we have been able to achieve a very quick transformation of our learning experience. In turn, we are confident that we will be able to provide those forced to join us online in the future with a great standard of learning even if they are unable to join us in the College at the very start.

Here is what Noradeen had to say about his experience of Online Learning with us and how he feels now he has been able to settle in at the College following on from his return to the UK.

How would you describe your overall experience of Online Learning at the College? 

It was as simple as opening up my laptop. As soon as I was provided with my log-in details and went to check my emails, I had received all the materials I needed from each of my individual subject teachers. I was really surprised as I felt as though it would have been easy for my teachers to forget about me as I was not actually present in the lessons like all my other classmates. However, I actually felt like I was being prioritised as much as every other student who did not have to join online. 

Did you feel as though you had missed out on any teaching time once you were able to actually attend the College?

Not at all. I felt confident going into my first lessons in the College as I felt well prepared and up to date with all my learning resources, particularly because I had also been able to access and receive feedback from my teachers on through Google Classrooms. I was also helped even more by the fact that everyone was very friendly to me when I arrived and I felt as if I had been here from the very beginning.

Do you have a favourite part of the College so far? or a favourite subject?

My favourite part of the College is definitely the small class sizes as it makes it a lot easier for me to concentrate. I cannot pick a favourite subject - I actually enjoy them all! 

I would also say that Supervised Study time is a great part of the College too. Having Supervised Study on my timetable means that I get some quiet time to myself and I can start to organise my time better, for example, by using the Supervised Study period to complete a piece of homework, this means I have more time for activities outside of the College once I get home. 

And do you have anything else to add about your experience now you have officially started?

I found it very, very easy to settle in. I have a good connection with both friends and family who already attend the College, as it has a great reputation amongst all our family and friends. My mum has always spoken about sending me to the College and she would have definitely enrolled me earlier if she could have. I feel as though I am in very safe hands with teachers here and I am looking forward to progressing more both in my studies and as a person. 

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