
23 June 2021

Student Voice: Thank you EIC

Student Voice: Thank you EIC

When I moved to London, I felt as though I was thrown into the deep end. With only 7 months to complete my GCSE’s and a completely new curriculum, my grades plummeted, to say the least. Having gotten C’s and D’s in my subjects, it was decided that I would move to a school that has a nurturing environment and more one-on-one interactions with the teachers. Lo and behold, Ealing Independent College, the sixth form college that helped me discover my future path. 

At EIC, I felt I was able to use my voice and express how I felt by starting initiatives such as the student-led debate club that focuses on social inequalities, creating a charter against racism alongside my principal, through joining the student council and by taking on the role of editor for the school magazine, DISTINCT. 

I started the debate club alongside Manira Hassan, another A-Level student, as we felt that young voices, such as our own, should have the platform to be uplifted. Furthermore, unhappy with the status quo, I felt supported enough by EIC to reach out to my principal, Allan, and create a charter against racism, to show the students of colour that they are seen and valued. Additionally, by joining the student council in my final year, I was able to have in depth conversations, shining light on student needs. Lastly, DISTINCT offered an outlet for creativity as well as a platform for open and honest expression, from students and staff alike. 

EIC has not only helped me improve academically whilst providing the support to fine tune my art and photography skills, but also gave me the gift of education, friendship and strong student-teacher relationships, preparing me for life outside of the classroom.

Alexandra Nieuwoudt, Year 13

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