
03 June 2018

Teaching the Individual

Teaching the Individual

"My child is very happy studying at Ealing Independent College. The classes are small and the tutors are truly interested in the students. It feels like the tutors want your children to succeed as much as you, the parent, and as much as the student does too. Tutors keep parents well informed of their child's progress and personally inform you of success and/or of any concerns they have."

Just one of the many comments I was delighted to read from our recent parent survey conducted this term. As a small college we take great pride in the personalised learning environment and the close relationships we are able to form with students and their parents. It is a hallmark of the College, and I truly believe that it is because of our size and the particular ethos and environment we provide that we successfully help students reach their potential. When students join the College a partnership is created, and through hard work, dedication and dialogue between the College, parents and the students, they leave Ealing with grades and university destinations they could only have dreamed of.

However, I don’t want to give the impression that it is just strong teaching and the ethos of the school that are important in driving academic results, the dedication and industry of the student is the third key ingredient. It is certainly true to say though, that students will only find the necessary drive if they feel properly supported and inspired by the tutors who teach them. We are very fortunate in being able to attract the very best teachers in the profession.

From the recent survey results, it was particularly pleasing to see that 90% of our parents agree and strongly agree that their child is taught well at the College. Combined with feedback from our recent student survey where 90% of students agree and strongly agree that teachers really care about them and want them to do well, it is an affirmation to the passion and dedication staff here at the College have in supporting each student’s learning journey.

You might ask what makes our approach to learning so successful.  It is simple. We tailor the individual academic programme to the individual. This is bespoke learning where the student feels that his/her individual needs are met.

The individual is at the core of all elements that make up our unique approach to teaching and learning. As a College we are not satisfied with just teaching you the curriculum and turn you into a particular stereotype; we want to help you become the best version of yourself. We want to help you celebrate and develop your individuality and to achieve your true potential.

With this in mind, our unique approach is simple:

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