
28 February 2022

The Monday Briefing: We're nearly there

The Monday Briefing: Were nearly there.

The blog last week focused on how the half term a couple of weeks back had brought time to reflect, and time to consult with staff about how the College can move forward in the few years ahead of us. I promised a follow up this week which discussed next steps leading on from that. However, before we get down to future action, another layer of this period of reflection should be detailed.

Whilst the staff consultation was ongoing, we simultaneously ran our parent survey in order to provide further input - to help us answer the questions of where we are at the moment, where we can be in the near future and what we need to adapt at the College in order to get there.

The results were incredibly pleasing, particularly given that the vast majority of our parents took the time to respond - and provided crucial insights which will help to shape how we do things moving forward. What is clear is that we are on completely the right track, and that some small changes in the approach of the College will enhance the experience here even further. We are within touching distance of being the tremendous learning environment that I know we can be.

To provide some headline figures:

95% of all parents feel that their child enjoys coming to College 

100% of parents feel listened to and treated fairly

100% feel that the College has a positive effect on their child

94% feel that teaching here helps their child make progress

94% feel achievement is recognised and praised

100% feel that the College deals with bullying effectively

94% feel satisfied with the governance and management of the College

97% are happy that any concerns they have had have been handled well 

100% of parents are happy with our level of communication

100% of parents are happy with the timing and detail of progress reports and communication


What was more pleasing was reading the array of comments which truly encapsulates the nature of the College - welcoming, nurturing and empowering:

“The school really works for my child and I love how engaged and aware the teachers are”

“Low number of students, high standards of teaching”

“The college has gone out of its way to help my child settle. The quality of teaching is very high.”

“The unique and caring approach to lessons and students, small class sizes, excellent teachers and head-teacher.”

“Our son is very happy at EIC vs an unhappy experience at a previous school. He actually enjoys coming to school now!”

“My son is receiving the best support possible. Not only from an academic perspective, but the pastoral care has been excellent so far.”

“All of the members staff are very kind and friendly towards the students and the parent and teacher relationship is a lot better than we have experienced at normal schools.”

“It's student centered approach provides empathy for parental concerns and commitment to finding solutions together.”

“Small and personal, there is a home from home feel. No uniforms, and everyone is on a first name basis. This really works for teenagers/young adults.”

“The teaching. Good tracking of students’ progress. Preparing students for future careers and in life.”

“Small size allows teachers and management to know students very well.”

“Supportive and attentive to each student's individual needs. Small classes good. Communication to parents and students is very strong. Allan always seems available to students and parents. School is always trying to improve and progress.”

“Individual attention to students. Strong pastoral side. Small class sizes. High expectations of students. High quality teaching.”

“Teachers are incredible. The students are respectful and friendly. The education Is outstanding.”

“Having previously been unable to attend school my son now attends every day.”

“Our child enthusiastically comes to school each day.”

“It’s a safe and caring college.”

“The teachers are kind and nurturing.”

“I have really benefitted from the good use of Google classroom resources. It has also helped me support my child's learning better.”

“I think the College has high expected standards of behaviour.”

“The College has created an extremely welcoming, inclusive environment.”


Comments which really stood out for me were:

“I especially love that kids behave not because of strict authoritarian rule but by being given independence and responsibility.”

“The college cares about more than just academic results.”

“It seems the children are able to be themselves and are accepted as they are. They can express themselves openly, which encourages tolerance and acceptance amongst peers.”


These sum up exactly what we are aspiring to be: a welcoming place where students are encouraged to be who they are, no matter their abilities; a tolerant environment where individuality is celebrated, praised and supported; a setting which places as much emphasis on personal growth as it does academic results. Such feedback supplies a fillip for all who work here. 

Again, much like the staff consultation, a number of suggestions for positive change were proposed, and these have already been taken under careful consideration. A ten-point discussion plan has been developed and everyone involved in the College will work diligently to strive for further continued improvement across every aspect of the educational experience here in accordance with that. 

We owe it to staff, parents, and, above all, students, to dedicate ourselves to this pursuit as a shared goal.

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