
29 May 2024

Top University Offers Secured for Ealing

Top University Offers Secured for Ealing

We are delighted to announce the outstanding university offers our students received this year. Their hard work, dedication, and perseverance have been recognised by some of the most prestigious universities across the UK. 

The offers received are a testament to the hard work and dedication the students put in throughout the year. Many hours of learning, studying and completing exams brings them onto the next step of their educational journey.

Subjects and courses include Accounting and Finance, Law, Aerospace, Engineering, Computer Science, Business Management, Philosophy and Environmental Geology. In total, an amazing 62 conditional offers have been received!


University destinations offered:

  • Birmingham City University
  • Bristol, University of the West of England
  • Brunel University London 
  • City, University of London
  • Coventry University
  • Durham University
  • Falmouth University
  • Harper Adams University
  • King's College London, University of London
  • Kingston University
  • Oxford Brookes University
  • Queen Mary University of London
  • Royal Holloway, University of London
  • St George's, University of London
  • The University of Edinburgh
  • UCL (University College London)
  • University of Birmingham
  • University of Brighton
  • University of Bristol
  • University of Cambridge
  • University of Exeter
  • University of Liverpool
  • University of Nottingham
  • University of Plymouth
  • University of Reading
  • University of Sheffield
  • University of Southampton
  • University of Surrey
  • University of Sussex
  • University of Westminster, London
  • University of York


The university offers received by our students are a credit to their remarkable talents and the quality of education provided at our college. 

We must also mention those who are continuing into different fields of higher education, mastering their talents even further with the confidence and interests that they found since attending Ealing Independent College.

Predicted grades this year at the college excelled other years, academically growing from strength to strength. It is our hope that all students will continue to grow, learn, achieve, and contribute significantly to society as they embark on this exciting new chapter. There is no end to what our students can accomplish in the future.


If you are interested in enrolling, or resitting exams with Ealing Independent College this September for GCSEs or A Levels, please get in touch and book a visit with our Principal Allan Cairns. 

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