
29 June 2018



The sun was shining end of June as our Year 12s were spared the pressure of public examinations, but instead focused their minds on the next stage of their lives after Ealing Independent College.

We believe it is never too early for Year 12 students to start thinking about university applications or other routes that may interest them such as apprenticeships. To get students started on this path, our supportive and informative UCAS week is a three-day, one-stop workshop of activities, tutorials, mini-lectures, and visiting speakers to give a robust yet supportive introduction to the UCAS process.

Many students may still be unsure which career direction they hope to follow, or if they have some ideas about this, may be unclear about which universities may be the best choice for them. During the days we provided them with a fully comprehensive programme that explained how the UCAS process works, from filling in the application form, to choosing courses and destinations, to what students can really expect from university life. We explained to students how universities are ranked in the UK - and indeed internationally should students wish to pursue their studies overseas and what it takes to submit a truly winning application. We encouraged our students to be aspirational, yet also realistic in their five choices and we provided guidance in researching courses thoroughly so they are able to select those that suit them best in order to pursue the career of their dreams.

Our distinguished guest speakers this year included Dr Lawrence Greenfield of Royal London A&E, EIC alumni and Queen Mary student Gina Jandu, and Dr Dónal Hill of Oxford University & CERN Geneva.

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