
27 January 2021

Vision Teaching: Device Appeal

Vision Teaching: Device Appeal

Carol, our Office Manager, has been working hard this week to ensure that Vision Teaching received all our old computer devices. We have been informed that our donation has supported a total of 19 families this month in a bid to improve online learning resources at home or those families who may not have the basic means to join in online classrooms. 

Here is what Vision Teaching had to say, and details of how you can donate any old devices you have that you are no longer using:

"Thank you to Ealing Independent College and Carol Milstead, who kindly donated 19 computers to our Devices Appeal.

There should be no child left behind due to a lack of access to online learning, yet in the UK there are still 1.2m children without devices and the basic means to join in with a right to be educated.

These devices with support 19 homes and will make a world of difference to those pupils.

If you have any second-hand devices you can donate, please get in touch, there has never been a more urgent need.

Alternatively, you can donate whatever you can, which goes towards paying for the reconditioning of these devices.

Donate on the link here."

Thank you, Carol. We are delighted to have supported such a great cause and we look forward to working together again in the future!

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