
04 March 2022

Website news: hearing students' voices and keeping parents informed

Website news: hearing students voices and keeping parents informed

At Ealing Independent College, we take pride in being a student-lead environment, where the small class sizes allow us to better understand how to effectively meet each student’s needs. 

In order for the parents to be able to see what happens within the College walls, last week we started a series of interviews with students that will be posted every Wednesday. The interviews will uncover so many different aspects of the students’ life, from our football team’s upcoming matches to University Offers, from College trips to School Council meetings.

Our hope is that our Wednesday Blog entries will make the students feel that they truly are the fulcrum of the academic community and their voices are being heard, whilst their success is being celebrated. 

There’s more exciting news that concerns our website too: this week we introduced “Teacher Tuesday”! We value the hard work that the teachers put towards making sure the students can become the best version of themselves. But we also want teachers to be known as the fun, caring and interesting individuals they are. That’s why, from now until the end of the academic year, we will have a chat with one member of staff every week and share our findings on the website. Get ready to learn a fun fact about each teacher every week! 

In addition to the latest entries that will populate the website, please keep following us on Spotify every Thursday for the last few episodes of Season 2 of our Alumni Podcast. In each episode of the Podcast, Allan, our Principal, interviews previous students of the College to discover what paths they have taken after departing from here and how the College has helped them become the inspirational young adults that they are today. 

Finally, as usual, Allan will keep sharing his Monday Briefing every week, whilst Laura, our Vice Principal, posts her Pastoral blog every fortnight on a Friday. 

One of the questions of our Parent Survey 2022 asked the parents how happy they were with the communication channels the College had in place, including social media, website entries, and newsletters. 

That question received a strong 97% satisfaction rate; however, that means we can do even better than we are now, and we hope that enriching the website with interviews, teacher articles and new interesting podcasts episodes will be our first step towards a 100% satisfaction score.

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