
27 November 2019

Beyond the classroom: The importance of extra-curricular activities

Beyond the classroom:  The importance of extra-curricular activities   The importance of extra-curricular activities

At Ealing Independent College, we like to give our students plenty of opportunities inside and outside of the classroom. One of these opportunities is our sporting activities that take place every Friday afternoon for our GCSE students (Years 9, 10 & 11), including football and tennis. This is an important aspect of the GCSE curriculum as it helps our students to understand the importance of living a balanced lifestyle.  

We encourage participation in sport and physical exercise because we understand how much this reflects in the work in the classroom. Available evidence has shown that students that participate in sporting activities achieve higher test scores, specifically in English and Mathematics. These topics depend on efficient and effective executive function, which has been linked to physical activity and physical fitness. Including small bouts of sport and physical activity will increase concentration and attention in the classroom. Participation in these sporting activities also encourages the development of employability skills such as teamwork, leadership, critical thinking and confidence. 

It isn’t all about the academic benefits, but also the awareness of the positive effects it has on our students' mental health. While the body exercises, the brain releases endorphins. From a biological standpoint alone, physically active students are happier and have a constructive outlet through which to relieve stress. This is exceptionally important in the run-up to our Mock Exams Week. 

We are always looking to implement sports clubs and activities that students are interested in. Why not get in touch with your form tutor to discuss any new ideas.

Blog Clubs and Activities
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