
29 April 2022

College Catch Up - April 29th - A week of success stories

College Catch Up - April 29th - A week of success stories

Whoever has had the chance to read our blog articles this week might have noticed a pattern in them: we've celebrated and promoted a lot of success stories. The start of the summer term seemed a great opportunity to manifest our pride for what the students have accomplished so far, whilst also having a look at what’s on the cards for the future.

Although many see this term as the most decisive of their GCSE and A-level career, others have a more relaxed approach towards the exams and feel fully ready to embark onto new experiences, once exams are over. 

Muge’s interview on Wednesday focused on this very topic as well as so many more. Muge is the perfect example of a student who is excitedly awaiting the end of this academic path, to begin her new chapter at University next year. Read the full interview with her here.

This blog post is also a great read for those who, like Muge herself, went through a difficult time in recent years and thought they might have lost their way. Muge teaches us that it’s never too late to change one’s mindset and work hard to achieve those goals that will forge the future. 

Someone who, very recently, has achieved other goals, especially the one of becoming an engaging and dedicated teacher, is Parth, who was this week’s Teacher Tuesday guest. 

Parth joined EIC last September, and has already made an impact on the students’ life. 

We discovered Parth has a strong passion for coding, as well as for a wide variety of hobbies. If you are curious to learn more about the EIC Head of Physics, read the full article here.

On Thursday we had another brilliant story shared by Riyal on our weekly podcast; Riyal is a previous student of the College who is now studying Pharmacy at UCL; she distinguished herself for her dedication and motivation, whilst also being a kind and passionate student. 

Keep following the EIC Azoomni Podcast every Thursday here.

Slightly different was the focus of the Monday Briefing shared by Allan. After a few parents requested a more controlled use of mobile phones, to the extent of a full ban, Allan explains why the College has decided against it. EIC has always implemented the ethos of leaving a fair degree of independence and responsibility to the students. This is reflected in the trust given to the students about the way they use their phones. 

On the other hand, Allan also states:

Of course, there is absolutely no place in the College for phones during lessons, unless a teacher directly requests the necessary involvement for one for completion of a task like a quiz or a survey.” 

If you want to know more, read our Monday Blog here.

All in all, it has been a week full of inspiring interviews and articles, and we hope that the success of our current students, alumni, and teachers will allow us to keep sharing hearting and inspirational blog entries. 

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