
27 April 2022

Getting ready for exams and University: our interview with Muge

Getting ready for exams and University: our interview with Muge

As the Summer Term starts, the end-of-year exams get closer for our Y11 and Y13 students. We interviewed one of our Y13 students, Muge, to find out how she is feeling about the upcoming exams and her academic path next year. 

Hi Muge, did you have a good Easter Break? How did you spend your holiday? Did it include any revision time for exams?

Yes, thank you, I had a very good Easter Break; I went to Turkey with my family. I did not bring any books for revision with me, as I worked really hard for my Mock exams just before the holiday, and I thought I needed a proper break. I think this has allowed me to feel ready for my last term before exams.

We cannot believe that it is already the last term of the year, and for many students, like yourself, the last term at Ealing Independent College. 

How do you feel about leaving the College and starting your new experiences? And what is September 2022 looking like for you?

I started here at EIC in Y11. I appreciate all I have done here and how much I have grown, but I feel that now I’m fully ready for new experiences. I am definitely ready for University. 

Tell me about your University offers then. I have heard you have done amazingly well. 

Yes, I applied to five universities (Coventry, Nottingham Trent, University of East London, West London, and London Metropolitan University), and received offers from all of them. All of them offered Psychology with Counselling, or Child Psychology. 

The University of East London sent me an unconditional offer. 

Everyone is really proud of me for that, and I cannot believe myself how far I’ve come. It is my biggest achievement to receive offers from every single University I applied for.

I had a rough year in Y12 and thought I would never go to University. 

What changed your mind, and how did you find the strength to get to where you are now?

Last year, a lot of my friends decided not to continue on their academic paths, and this triggered me to believe that I was going to take the same decision. However, I have always had a strong passion for Psychology since I was a child; when I was just a primary school girl, I used to pretend to be all the other children’s counselor; I used to ask kids “How do you feel today, what do you want to talk about?” Then I would imagine giving them subscriptions for medicines that could help them.

I did not want to abandon that dream of becoming a psychologist. My family, especially my mum, pushed me to continue my studies, as she was sure I could become what I really wanted to be. 

This is such an inspiring story, and I think someone else might be encouraged to pursue their dreams by reading about your success.

Now, shall we focus on exams? Are you concerned about them, and what is your revision plan for these last couple of months?

I think that being slightly nervous is normal, but I have to confess I am not particularly concerned, and I am quite confident that I will do well. Obviously I know I have to work hard and keep my focus on the exams.

What advice would you give to younger students, in order for them to get to the end of Sixth Form well prepared for their future? 

Based on my personal experience, I would say that it is essential to remember that everyone needs to be on their own path, and not be influenced by what others do. 

If I understood that last year, it would have been easier for me not to lose track of what I was doing for myself. 

Thank you, Muge; it’s been lovely to talk to you and I hope that other people will be inspired by your story, too. We wish you the best of luck for your final exams and your University career starting next year! 

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