
24 January 2020

Principal's Blog: Take control of your future

Principals Blog: Take control of your future

I recently saw an article in the Telegraph that reads, “students who are given unconditional offers are more likely to drop out of university than those who are forced to earn their place with grades, research shows.” There it is, in black and white. The data now shows that students, such as Ealing Independent College students, are more likely to go on to their universities of choice and succeed, than those who settle for an unconditional offer of a lesser university. 

At Ealing Independent College, we believe that the guidance and support we offer our students through the process of choosing their field of study and university is crucial for their future success, and it is a responsibility we do not take lightly. We encourage our students to challenge themselves and reach their full potential in order to gain entry into their first or second choice universities. 

Through our focus on the individual, we guide and support all of our students towards achieving their personal goals. Our personal tutors will ensure that students leave the College secure in their choice of university and that the choice of study enables them to go on and have successful careers in the industries of interest to them. The tutors will challenge and inspire the students by helping them evaluate and analyse their strengths and weaknesses against interests and aspirations.


I encourage you all, to take control of your own future.

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