
01 June 2020

Student Voice: Making the move to remote learning at Ealing Independent College

Student Voice: Making the move to remote learning at Ealing Independent College

Making the move temporarily to remote learning during the period of school closures was hard work for both staff and pupils at Ealing Independent College, but one that has paid off. We asked one of our Year 11 students, Lara, about her experience of this digital learning. Here is what she had to say:

Lara, can you explain your experience of moving from physically learning in a classroom at Ealing Independent College to online learning at home? 

Since schools were closed on March 20th, everyone's life changed significantly especially students in Year 11 and Year 13. In the beginning, I found it difficult because I like the environment the school offers and the interactiveness and ability to share ideas and opinions. On the other hand, online learning allows me to have a more flexible timetable and I am able to organise my time better to make sure that everything gets done when it should be. 

And, how have your teachers supported you in staying on track with your learning and on track for exams? 

Teachers are constantly reminding us students to stay motivated through these difficult times and having our GCSE exams cancelled is obviously a big change. Although these are unprecedented times, the College was quick to switch to online learning. All of my teachers ensured that Google Classrooms were prepared before and this meant that the College was able to start the online lessons on the following Monday. While it does feel unusual to have everything done on my laptop rather than actually going to school, it is definitely more relaxed.

How do you think you’re learning experience during this period of school closures will compare to others who are studying at your level?

Some schools are offering online classes where the student can still interact with the teacher and their classmates whereas other schools are simply providing a workbook to complete. I think that my learning experience would be similar to others who are studying at my year level as we are all under the same situation. What may make our education different is how we’re responding to online learning. Personally, I am more productive now because I can get my work done efficiently in the comfort of my home without having to travel to school. However, this may not be the case for everyone, which is the main differing factor for each student.

How prepared do you feel about starting back at College or moving on to your next destination after this year? 

I am planning to stay on at Ealing Independent College for my A-levels as it has the subjects I want to do next year which are Biology, Chemistry and Maths or Psychology. Since everything is closed due to lockdown there is more time to decide which subjects I want to choose. Furthermore, the college has provided a three week A Level Taster Course so that students can gain an understanding of the subjects that are on offer to allow them to make an informed decision for the future. 

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